ABOVE: This Indian FORCES LETTER was issued on March 31, 1972 in commemoration of Air Force Day. Only 1,000 coopies were allegedly printed. Printed on the flap are extracts of Mrs. Indira Gandhi’s speech made in Parliament on the 17th of December, 1971. The writing is as follows:
“On March 31, 1971, six days after the great upheaval in Bangla Desh, I had the honour to move a resolution in this House.
I said then that India’s permanemt interest in peace and our commitment to uphold and defend human rights demanded the immediate cessation of the use of force and of the massacre of the defenceless people of Bangla Desh. I had called upon all peoples and Governments to take urgent and constructive steps to prevail upon the Government of Pakistan to immediately end the systematic decimation of a people.
I had concluded my statemtnt by expressing the profound conviction of this House that the historic upsurge of the 75 million people of East Bengal would triumph. We also gave an assurance that their struggle and sacrifice would receive the wholehearted sympathy and support of the people of India.
Today the pledge we then made together in the House and in the country stands redeemed.”
Prime Minister Indira Gandhi
In Parliament on December 17, 1971
15 September 1980 – “Coins of all Nations”.
28 September 1980 – United Nations First Day Covers. Hundreds of different cachets exist.
6 December 1986 – French First Day Covers honoring the UNESCO site, the Bagerhat Mosque.
6 December 1986 – French First Day Covers honoring the UNESCO site, the Bagerhat Mosque.